Global Religion: Universal faith

©Jyotikar Pattni©


June 2006

Written for Prabhudas Pattni - World Peace

Aum Tat Sat; Aum Shantih.

A Vedic perspective


As long as one person sees and believes in one thing and another person believes in something else, we have created cross purposes and conflicts throughout the world. In conflict the entire world races to survive against time, in noise, haste and waste. The world is numbed by lack of humanity and absence of togetherness. Our time has become uncertain with sudden tragedies, epiphany and calamity. Amidst the noise and haste and all the wastage in war-fare, we continue to perpetuate individualism, fret in fear, and encourage ‘sammah_vikarmah’ (collective negative wrongful karma). So, if we removed all the names, forms and shapes of religious institutions, we have few universal factors responsible for world peace. These are same for all:


Universal factors for contributing universal peace:

1.         Satya (truthfulness) / satt karma (virtue) / satt-vichar (true thoughts) / satt-nitti (true intentions) / satt-bhava (true nature) / satt-samnga (true company)
2.         Ahimsa/maiytreeta (non-violence/ amity)
3.         Brahmacharya/ Pavitratta (non-adultery/ purity)
4.         Asteya (no desire to possess or steal/ or non-covetousness)
5.         Aparighara (non-corruption)
6.         Shaucha (cleanliness and hygiene)
7.         Santosh (contentment)
8.         Swadhyaya (reading of scriptures)
9.         Tapas (austerity, perseverance, penance)
10.       Ishwarpranidhan (regular prayers)

11.       Daya (compassion)

12.       Premm (love and humanity)

Let us strive to placidly sit quietly, at the dusk and the dawn, without words or fancy religious prayers. Let us strive to remove the different languages, cultural boundaries and religious boundaries. Let us simply all together sit quietly for just a few minutes to observe the silent tranquil rivers flowing onto the ocean as the teeming vast sky is spiritually blessed by the orange hue of the sunsets and the sunrises. The dusk and the dawn are moments of absolute spiritual delight without the confines of all this, that and the other.

It is substantial evidence that we need not give deep thought to a philosophy or ideology of life, as long as we collectively undertake our moments in life with divine intentions (as beautifully experienced at the dawn and the dusk). Dwelling on interesting, more prominently spiritual aspects of life like the sunsets and the sunrises to have gracefully rested the night and to have lived the light of the day in goodness of beautiful thoughts, human compassion, and proliferation of the universal welfare of goodness for all. What is good for all is good for individual and vice versa!

As long as we keep our expectations of other people at minimum, albeit our paths may not wholly meet, in time there will be opportunities to learn the lessons of life here and now. Peace on human earth can only become an eminent reality when all people collectively acknowledge the need to transform ‘belief’. Transformation and change of belief implies a collective evolution from the institutional faiths/man made religions onwards onto a collective platform of universal faith/religion comprising humane compassion; collectively universal consciousness; and; self-respect and recognition towards the each other beyond the race, creed, caste, religions, national boundaries, political, and institutional ideologies.

One cannot begin to speak of world peace in lyrics of poetry nor can one begin to speak of world peace in hymns and philosophies. The world will be a peaceful place to live in only when our houses turn into homes filled with love, affection, compassion, humanity, togetherness, and serenity.

The world peace can be addressed only after we have addressed family feuds, family upheavals, family crises, family misunderstandings and family dispersion. Collectively, our societies unknowingly pressurise young children into competing and performing without really making them learn the lessons of life.

When younger generation qualify from universities, they may be more intelligent, more skilled in the knowledge of the technological competence than the generation ten years ago.

However, most of the younger generation graduates lack in the basic understanding of inter-cultural values, integrity, humanity, compassion, and wisdom. Too much emphasis is placed upon the bureaucracy rather than merits of humanity and compassion as a result.

There is neither one particular institution absolutely wrong nor one particular institution absolutely right.

The present world is filled with political camouflage. On the one hand is the threat of international superpowers creating obscure obliqueness for the African, Asian, and Middle-eastern countries by imposing political and economic constraints; on the other hand we have the threat of nuclear power, and mass destruction as conflict increases between the nations, people, and families.

What we are facing all over the world is increase in hatred and anger! Anger and aggression manifest in most daily conditions and circumstances. Increase in collective anger has given rise to gap in communication, gap between the richer and the poor to grow wider, and fear. The world super powers with its political and sociological imperialism have given rise to terrorism, rebel, and warfare. The terrorists in the attempt to own and conquer false power and in the attempt to rage their anger cause further destruction and dismal brutality for no apparent reasons. The world is a place no longer free from fear. Society is filled with youth crimes and fear.

We need to celebrate our cultural diversities rather than using them as a reason for conflict. There has already been too much global suffering as a result of ethnic and national interest and selfish individualistic egotistic gain. It doesn't matter how much power and prosperity a nation achieves if its people are the victims of prejudice and internal conflict. If we all collectively believe that the future hinges on the capacity of each individual to embrace a commitment to universal love, universal humanity, universal appreciation of one another, then and only then there is hope for peace. The humankind must collectively begin to transcend the barriers which keep us from seeing ourselves as part of a global family. We have to start caring about what really happens to people. Let us all together learn to promote this compassionate spirit by helping people of all nations to experience their oneness and by being loyal to humanity, universal love and integrity. Let us strive to believe all together that Peace poles and world peace prayer ceremonies can bring people together to foster love and understanding. Let us all together believe that we do not need political religions but simplicity, truthfulness, contentment, love, compassion, generosity to love and be loved, and universal faith.

Let us make a commitment to world peace by honouring the earth, honouring its people, and celebrating the unity of the human spirit of life here and now. Let us all commonly believe that all human beings are divine, that the unity of existence through love creates universal humanity, and finally let us all collectively believe that we must NOT take what rightfully does not belong to us by force.

Aum Tat Sat.

Jyotikar Pattni

June 18th 2006